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Shoulder Injury

Bethlehem, PA Workplace Accident Lawyer

Injuries to the shoulder often occur at work. And when they do, injury victims need to take their workplace accident seriously right from the start. This includes seeking medical treatment right away and reporting the injury to a supervisor.

The next step for such common work injuries should be to talk to a lawyer. If you sustained a shoulder injury at work in Pennsylvania, an attorney can explain all the options available to you as an injured worker.

That’s why our legal team at Vellner Law, PC wants to meet with you. We care about making sure you receive the medical attention you need and the financial compensation you deserve. We’ve been doing this work for decades. We know how the legal system works. We’re on your side.

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    How Shoulder Injuries Happen

    Shoulder injuries can happen many different ways. Sometimes, a single event can cause a severe shoulder injury. Such events can include attempting to lift a heavy object, an object falling on an employee or even an explosion or fire at work.

    Other times, workplace shoulder injuries occur slowly over time. Such injuries can occur due to employees performing the same task over time. In the case of shoulder injuries, this often involves workers regularly lifting heavy objects.

    Whatever the cause of your shoulder injury, no matter how serious or minor it might seem, we’re here to help you every step of the way.

    What We Can Do For You

    You may face several obstacles to getting better after your shoulder injury. One of the most common issues you may face is convincing your employer you have a shoulder injury. Another issue can be your employer claiming you hurt yourself outside of work and therefore they’re not responsible for your treatment. Or, your employer might question the severity of your injury and push you to return to work – even though you know you’re hurt.

    As your attorney, we can be your voice for justice. We can communicate on your behalf with your employer. We can challenge a doctor’s diagnosis, especially if they insist that you need to return to work before you have fully recovered. And if your workplace shoulder injury occurred due to negligence, we can help you explore whether to take legal action.

    Contact us to find out how we can help you. Schedule your free case consultation today.